Thursday 10 May 2012

Luella's Guide to English Style.

I obviously didn't need to buy this book because I did grow up and still live in England.
I know how diverse our fashion is and I know how quirky we can be.
I'm proud of this... I love how eclectic our style is.
When I see Helena Bonham Carter or Kate Middleton... I feel at home.
Nothing shocks me in British fashion.
I bought this Guide to celebrate that.
Alexa Chung is quoted on the cover... you just know that gives it 100 awesome points right there!
The queen of British eccentricity!
I've always been faccinated by Vivienne Westwood. Her designs, her scents, her advertising campaigns.
I love Helena so much! She just doesn't care what anyone thinks.
The best is when she dresses in Vivienne Westwood. Match made is heaven!

I love the drawing in this book and the detailed descriptions of the various categories of style.
There are A LOT of celebrities and fashionistas that you probably wouldn't recognise if you weren't British but it's all about the fun of educating yourself on our style!
Have fun!

Do you know what else I love on a side note... Tim Burton + Helena Bonham Carter + Vivienne Westwood = sexual beyond belief.

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Have a lovely day!
Katy x